Mounting accessories OST 5.6180

Various mounting accessories for cables, wires and other equipment produced according to OST 5.6180 standard.

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Or call us: +78123052047


Type Item desc. Part number
Mounts for electric equipment
1 Welding brackets 688-03.863 (01-07)
688-03.864 (01-07)
688-03.865 (01-07)
688-03.866 (01-07)
688-03.867 (01-07)
688-03.868 (01-07)
688-03.1096 (01-03)
2 Screw or rivet mounted brackets 688-03.869 (01-03)
3 Welding U brackets 688-03.871 (01-35)
688-03.872 (01-22)
688-03.873 (01-35)
688-03.874 (03-07)
688-03.875 (05-07)
4 Welding U brackets 688-03.876 (01-07)
688-03.877 (01-05)
688-03.878 (01-07)
5 Welding U brackets 688-03.879 (01-02)
6 Threaded rivet nuts 688-03.880 (01-10)
688-03.881 (01-05)
688-03.882 (01-10)
7 Welding support bracket 688-03.883 (01-07)
688-03.884 (01-08)
688-03.885 (01-09)
688-03.886 (01-11)
688-03.887 (01-07)
8 Welding mounts for dashpots 688-03.888 (01-10)
688-03.889 (01-09)
688-03.890 (01-09)
688-03.891 (01-11)
688-03.892 (01-11)
9 Cylindrical bushings 688-03.893 (01-38)
9 Collar bushings 688-03.894 (01-10)
Mounts for cables and wires
2 Cable trays 688-03.924 (01-05)
688-03.925 (01-05)
3 Cable tray connector plates 688-03.926 (01-05)
688-03.927 (01-05)
9 Welding L shaped mount 688-03.928 (01-19)
688-03.929 (01-30)
688-03.930 (01-26)
10 Welding U shaped mount 688-03.931 (01-84)
688-03.932 (01-88)
688-03.933 (01-77)
6 Screw mounted U shaped mount 688-03.934 (01-24)
688-03.935 (01-24)
7 Welding U mount with dual perforation 688-03.936 (01-23)
688-03.937 (01-27)
688-03.938 (01-23)
8 Insulated welding U mount 688-03.939 (01-64)
688-03.940 (01-67)
9 Tray covers 688-03.941 (01-14)
688-03.942 (01-14)
9 Tray mount covers 688-03.943 (01-16)
688-03.944 (01-16)
S Half cable clip 688-03.952 (01-05)
SO Cable clip 688-03.1064 (01-05)
688-03.953 (01-25)
SM Wide cable clip 688-03.954 (01-02)
1 Covered cable trunk 688-03.956 (01-10)
2 Mounts cover 688-03.957 (01-27)
1 Mounts for wires and cables 688-03.848 (01-12)
688-03.852 (01-10)
688-03.857 (01-24)
2 Welding mounts for wires and cables 688-03.849 (01-79)
688-03.945 (01-92)
688-03.853 (01-84)
688-03.858 (01-18)
688-03.859 (01-19)
3 Screw mounted mounts for wires and cables 688-03.850 (03-46)
688-03.859 (09-48)
4 Screw mounted mounts for wires and cables with end plates 688-03.855 (01-16)
5 Mounts for large cable bundles 688-03.950 (01-15)
688-03.1100 (01-15)
6 Mounts for large cable bundles 688-03.951 (01-47)
688-03.1101 (01-47)
688-03.1102 (01-32)
1 Welding cable mounts 688-03.1103 (01-15)
688-03.1104 (01-11)

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Press the button and fill in the form to clarify terms, logistics, production capabilities or ask any other questions.
Or call us: +78123052047